Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Peace That Surpasses All Understanding

Death is a tragic thing to those who do not believe ... people who have banked their entire existence on who THEY are and what THEY must be in this life. It is not unusual to see survivors who commit suicide rather than deal with a loved ones passing. Other’s have died of a broken heart, seeing no future for them.
When the end of life comes to those who do not believe in Jesus Christ and the promise of eternal life, there is nothing … NOTHING! I cannot imagine the pain these people must suffer as it all comes to an end.

There appeared on these pages some time ago, a piece by Paul, “A Great Experience .. A Wonderful Legacy” where he commented on the passing of a dear friend .. a Christian man .. Glenn Doornink.
Recently Paul received a letter from Glenn’s wife, Mary Ellen. The content of that letter illustrates the exact opposite to the thoughts I put forth to you before. The letter exudes loving memory surrounded by the peace of understanding that we who believe in Jesus Christ will all meet once again in Heaven. Please let me include the letter, in it’s entirety:

Dear Paul and Betty,

Words are simply inadequate to convey the depth of gratitude I owe to you people for your willingness to skillfully guide our family through some uncharted waters after Glenn's departure. With Godly wisdom you helped us through the family gatherings where you encouraged open expression as we wept and laughed together at memories of the good life Glenn had lived among us. My own heart was thrilled and comforted by many things I heard during those times and also with the apparent agreement reached on many details.

So fitting were your messages as you bathed every event with God's truth from His word, at the chapel before the burial to the graveside comments and the good message at the memorial service itself. You carried a large responsibility in causing the whole affair to bring glory to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and honor to Glenn. May God reward you richly for playing such a key role in steering us all through that memorable day. Our Father even added beautiful weather with three formations of geese flying overhead at the burial site.

A wise man told us before we married, "One of you will lay the other in the grave some day if our Lord tarries", and so it has been. Death is truly an enemy as the separation robs us of the close relationship we enjoyed for many years.

The LORD is righteous in all His ways, gracious in all His works. The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. Psalm 145:17,18

Most Sincerely, Mary Ellen

That, my friends, is "that peace that surpasses all understanding" that is promised in Philippians 4:7 and that is available to us all.

Larry Abele – Editorial Team

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