Monday, May 23, 2011

Bad Hermeneutics or Blatant Con-man …

This week-end has been bewildering for many, devastating for many, maddening for many, and indeed, interesting for most. But, it is just one more week-end in the many throughout our history when the predicted end of the world did not happen.

The antics of self professed millionaire prophet, Harold Camping, have many of my friends in the quarry, picking out good throwing rocks … as well they probably should. However, as the last stone is piled upon one head, another will spring up. As long as there are naïve sheep who are willing to listen and follow, there will be false prophets.

Just for a moment, in Christian love, let us put down our rocks and reason together.

Harold Camping claims to have studied the Bible for 70 years. Yet the fact that he has ignored the admonition that, "no one knows of that day and hour, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only", Matthew 24:36, proves that either he is a charlatan or has studied with bad hermeneutics ... the process of studying the scripture.

If we are to be good sheep and follow the right voice we must remember that everything we need to know is written for us in the ENTIRE Bible … all we need is the Bible, ourselves and the Holy Spirit to get it right. What Harold Camping and his followers missed is, among others things, three basic rules for studying the Bible …

1. We must study with a humble heart. We must study with the mind set of getting something out of the scripture … not adding our own ego into the scripture. If you are willing to tear the Bible apart and select just scripture that supports your preconceived ideas, the Bible can support any craziness you think up … ala, Harold Camping. We need to ask the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds to the wisdom written in those sacred texts.

2. We must look at the scriptures as written literally. When it says in the apostles that Jesus stepped out of the boat and walked on the lake, (Matthew 14:25) we can believe it was Jesus, it was water, and that He walked on top of it. It is literal … not allegoric.

When Jesus turned water into wine, (John 2:4-10) we can believe that it was real water turned into real wine … not an allegoric code that Jesus can take something of little worth and make it greater in value … although Jesus surely can and does do that very thing.

It may be a disappointment to many, but, the Bible is not full of codes … it is full of truths! It is true that allegory is used in the Bible but, it is thus identified. We should look for the naturally obvious, not a hidden code.

3. We should interpret normally. God meant for us to understand the Bible in the vernacular we are used to. For example, if you were to tell me your friend was as big as a barn, I wouldn’t be looking for a guy 60 foot wide, 120 foot long and 40 foot tall ... I would be looking for a really big guy!

When Peter tells us in 2 Peter 3:8 that, "with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day" don’t pull out your calculators and slide rules as did Harold Camping. Just realize that God’s sense of time is infinite unlike ours which is finite. It just means a long, long time only known to God.

As for Harold Camping … stone him if you must, fellow Christian. Or … you might pray for him and his many followers. There are many of our brothers and sisters in Christ who are truly devastated today because they chose to follow the wrong shepherd. They need our attention.

If Mr. Camping is, as he claims, a believer, there is a proper procedure recommended in the Scripture for admonishment. If he is just the charlatan he appears to be … God will not be mocked … it is His job to handle the matter ... not ours. And, I believe, He is capable of it.

Larry Abele - Editorial Team

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