Monday, September 8, 2008

God Gives Richly

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of watching the stars on the Adriatic coast in Croatia. While watching the magnificent sky above late one night I was thinking of how wonderful this world really is.

What makes me sad is that we have not always appreciated the magnificence and beauty of all of creation around us. As believers we are convinced that everything material and immaterial has its ultimate origin in God and therefore demands our highest respect.

So what is the Christian's attitude towards the works of God to be? We have in the Old Testament and especially in the Psalms, a model for an appropriate attitude towards God's creation. There we see, again and again, expression of wonder, awe, and celebration.

The elemental power of the storms reminds the believer of the far greater power of God. The vastness and beauty of the wilderness, the majesty of towering mountains, and the surging seas turn the eyes of faith to the Lord.

Listen to the words of the psalmist in Psalm 104:24-25 “O Lord, how magnificent are your works! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your possessions - This great and wide sea, in which innumerable teeming things, living things both great and small.”

The sense of wonder generated by the creation helped to form a healthy attitude towards life in this world in the minds of believers. That attitude can be characterized as one of joy and celebration. The psalmist continues to speak to us in Psalm 111:2 “The works of the Lord are great, studied by all who have pleasure in then.”

While at times Christians have adopted a gloomy attitude of life in the world, recognition of God's good hand in shaping our world as a home for mankind has more often opened the way to a positive and joyful view of our present life.

Our days on earth must have significance since God has so carefully designed the stage on which we each play our part. The New Testament confirms this by stating that “GOD GIVES US RICHLY ALL THINGS TO ENJOY…” (1 Timothy 6:17).

My friend, God exists and his attitude toward us is goodness and love. Therefore, let us seek to enter into a loving relationship with God in order that we may be able to enjoy life to its fullest while rejoicing in his works and celebrating the life we have here and now.

Paul Weresch

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