Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I accepted the Lord’s invitation to live eternally very late in life and became rather zealous that my children should be of like condition ... it is part of the great commission that Jesus gave to all believers, to spread the Good News.

I remember taking my daughter to dinner one night to ask her forgiveness for being such a lousy father. I told her of the joy that I had experienced the moment I decided to accept the Lord’s gift. I told her that the same joy was available to her. I told her that I wanted to be with her in the Heaven I knew I was going to. I thought I was doing a marvelous job.

But, alas, she was like many, who in their hearts, are not ready to accept such a gift of grace given freely to anyone who will believe in Him. She reminded me that she smoked, she drank and she liked to party. She told me that she had a lot of "cleaning-up" to do before she was ready to make this step. I suspected that she was embarrassed to present herself to the Lord in such a "human" condition"

How sad it is that so many sons and daughters, men and women, all creations of God, believe in that putrid lie told by the devil, "You are just not good enough for God. How could He ever accept the likes of you!"

Actually, in our "human" condition, He CAN’T accept us. However, knowing that and loving us just the same, God devised a plan. He sent His Son to earth, free of human sin, who lived a sinless life and presented Himself as a living sacrifice to pay our sin debt. His work on the cross was designed to save us. Now when God looks upon the believer, He sees His perfect Son!

He did this for everyone on earth. All we have to do is confess that we are powerless without it and accept the Gift. Yes, we have to accept the Gift to receive it. God said, "Come as you are." You don’t have to clean up … just accept.

Don’t take time to clean-up … just fess-up. Admit you are a sinner and need salvation. Ask the Lord for His forgiveness and accept His Gift today!

Larry Abele - Editorial Team

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